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Set up WooCommerce Webhooks

Real ID relies on WooCommerce order hooks in order to send ID checks according to your triggers.

If you have issues with ID checks triggering late or not at all with the after checkout flow, then this guide will help you improve ID check deliverability by setting up a order created webhook.


This guide only applies to merchants using the WooCommerce Real ID plugin with the after checkout flow.

It won't apply to you if you're using the Real ID Shopify app, or are requiring ID verification before checkout.

How it works

In WooCommerce you can set up webhooks, which are notifications sent to specific URLs when specific events on your store happen.

Example of events include:

  • Order created - fired when a new order is placed
  • Customer created - fired when a new customer registers an account
  • Etc.

In this guide we'll show you how to set up a WooCommerce Webhook that notifies Real ID whenever an new order is placed.

If you're using the default Thank You page, you most likely won't need to set up this webhook,


By default, Real ID integrates into your WooCommerce store's Thank You page. But if your store is using a custom URL for the Thank You page, it might break the order syncing with Real ID.

Getting started

First, login into WordPress and open the WooCommerce plugin settings.

Then select the Advanced tab, and then the Webhooks section.

Finding the WooCommerce Webhook settings in the WordPress admin dashboard.

You'll just need to fill out the fields with these values:

  1. For the Name field, enter in Real ID order syncing.

  2. For the Status field, set the webhook to Active.

  3. For the Topic field, select the Order created topic.

  4. For the Delivery URL, copy and paste this link:

  5. For the Secret, enter in your Real ID License Key. You can find your License Key in the Real ID dashboard, or within the Real ID plugin under the Billing section in the Settings.

  6. For the API Version, select WP REST API Integration v3.

Then finally, click Save to create the webhook. You should see the webhook created with a success message.

Now on future orders, WooCommerce will automatically Real ID on new orders.


If you see a 404 error when creating the webhook, make sure you have entered in the URL for the Delivery URL field.

If you see a 401 error, please make sure you're using the correct Real ID license key for the store you're setting this webhook.

If you see a or 405 or 500 error, please contact us for support.