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Viewing ID checks

You can view all of your customers ID checks in the Real ID app directly from the home page.

This is a real time dashboard of all past and current ID checks for your customers.

Filtering ID checks

Real ID comes with easy to use filters to quickly exclude or include ID checks in the results by status, of view archived checks.

By status

You can filter ID checks by their current status. By default, all ID checks are shown but if you need to filter only in progress checks, then select the *In Progress filter:

Filtering ID checks by status in the home page

The available statuses are:

  • In Progress - ID checks where the customer still needs to submit one or more photos to finish their check
  • In Review - ID checks where the customer was not able to be automatically verified, and they are ready for manual review
  • Verified - ID checks where the customer was either automatically verified or their ID was manually approved by a staff member on your team.
  • Failed - ID checks where the ID was manually rejected by a staff member on your team.

Archived checks

You can archive old ID checks to mark them as processed or to help clean up your ID checks dashboard.

Archived ID checks are not deleted, you'll still be able to access photos & data, but they're just not within the home page by default.

To view archived ID checks, select the Archived checkbox to only display archived checks:

Viewing archived ID checks in the Real ID dashboard

Searching for a specific ID check

In the search bar on the homepage or at the top of the navigation bar, you can quickly search for specific ID checks by the customer's name, email address, phone number or even by the order number.

Searching for an ID check by the customers name, but their email, phone, or order number are also valid searches

Real ID will automatically apply your search instantly, and the results in the home page will only show those ID checks.

Viewing an ID check

To open a specific ID check that you've either filtered or searched for, simply check on the result:

Opening a specific ID check from the Real ID app dashboard

View ID checks directly in your orders and customers pages

If you're using Shopify as your eCommerce platform, you can also view your customer's ID checks without leaving your Shopify dashboard.

Use our Shopify Admin Blocks to add the ID check results directly to your orders and/or customer pages to view ID checks without leaving Shopify.