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Overriding ID check results

Occasionally you may want to override Real ID's results on an ID submission. You can easily do this from the Real ID dashboard.

From the app you can open the ID check details, at the very top of the ID check will be a menu of buttons.

Here you can choose to manually override the ID check results by either approving or rejecting the results.

Manually approving an ID check

You can manually approve an ID check at any time, including before the customer has actually submitted photos or after they've failed their ID check.

To manually approve an ID check, click the Approve Check at the top of the page from within the ID check details page:

Manually approving an ID check from within the ID check details page

You'll be asked to confirm before the check is approved:

Confirming the ID check should be approved

Then the check will be considered passed throughout Real ID. This includes if you have ID verification required ]before viewing your store](../flows/, or before checkout is required.


If you manually approve an ID check that's in progress or doesn't have any photos submitted yet at all - it's will lock the customer from completing the ID check.

The ID check will be shown as completed to the customer.

Manually rejecting an ID check

You can also manually reject an ID check at any time, even if it's been passed or manually approved.

To manually reject an ID check, open the More actions menu in the top right in the ID check, and then select Reject Check:

How to manually reject an ID check

You'll be asked to confirm this action:

Confirming the ID check should be rejected

Then the ID check will be considered failed throughout Real ID. This includes tags, metafields and notes left on the order and customer profile.


If you manually rject an ID check that's in progress or doesn't have any photos submitted yet at all - it's will lock the customer from completing the ID check.

The ID check will be shown as failed to the customer.