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To keep you updated with the latest changes on ID verifications, Real ID synchronizes the ID check statuses of customers & orders in Shopify with tags.

These tags are visible in your orders as well as on the customer profiles within the Shopify backend.

Example of a Shopify Order tagged with "ID verification required"

Real ID won't affect other tags

Real ID will only change tags related to ID verification. Other tags on your orders and customers will not by removed or overwritten by ID verification related tags.

How it works

When an order qualifies for an ID check through your automatic triggers, it will be tagged with ID verification required.

Then, when the customer passes ID verification, it will change to ID verification completed.

However, if the customer fails ID verification, the order & customer's profile will be changed to ID verification failed.


These tags will apply to both the customer and the order within Shopify. The customer tags are used for remembering repeat customers so they only need to verify once.

Available Tags

Real ID uses the following tags to sync the ID check status:

  • ID verification required - The order or customer requires ID verification
  • ID verification completed - The customer passed the ID check
  • ID verification failed - The customer submitted their photos required for the ID check, but the system was not able verify them
  • ID check manually approved - A staff member manually approved the ID check
  • ID check manually rejected - A staff member manually rejected the ID check
  • ID expired - The ID was valid at the time of verification, but now it is now expired

Custom tags

You can customize the names of the tags Real ID leaves on orders & customers during the ID verification process.

To customize these tags, open the Settings page, then open the Notifications area, and click the For your Team tab.

Finding the options to change the Real ID tag left on orders and customers in Shopify based on the ID check status of the customer

Then you can customize the tag to your choosing. In this example, the tags have been shortened to ID passed instead of ID check completed:

Changing the tags to custom values


Any changes to tags will not apply to past ID checks. It will only apply to new orders and customers after the changes are made.

Limitations on tags

Tags are a useful feature for viewing a customer & order's ID check status at a glance from the Shopify Dashboard.

However, Real ID cannot guarantee that tags are 1:1 exactly with the ID verification status of an order or customer because:

  • Real ID tags can be altered by any other app
  • Real ID tags can be altered via the Shopify dashboard by any staff with orders access
  • Real ID tags can by altered by Shopify Flows, Zapier, Make, Mechanic or any other automation tool connected to your store

If it is critical for your business to hold orders based on ID verification, please consider our Webhooks feature for automating actions to your fulfillment system.