Control your stores traffic with ease in minutes.
Decide which countries, IP addresses and websites can visit your store

Prevent fraud.
Block fraud before bad actors even have time to make an unauthorized orders on stolen credit cards.
Sell age restricted goods.
ID verification gives you the peace of mind + evidence to prove age compliance for age restricted goods.
Meet compliance.
We take care of storing your customer's identities so you can export what you need to prove compliance in one click.
Handle high risk orders.
Verify high risk or expensive orders to protect your store from costly chargebacks.
Most fraud tools are missing the picture
Relying on signals like IP addresses, shipping and billing addresses are not enough to accurately detect potential fraudulent activity. Even worse, they can falsely flag legitimate orders, which leads to frustrated customers, hurt your brand, + lose sales.
Without real customer identification, separating real orders from fraud becomes a guessing game.
Real ID lifts the cloud of uncertainty by allowing you to verify your customers' real life identities digitally.
Protect your store from unwanted visitors, malicious bots or prevent unshippable orders to countries you don't support with Blockade.
Blockade gives you the ultimate say in what kind of traffic cannot access your store front.
Block or allow traffic by country of origin, IP address, website, VPN usage and more. Learn More.

Real ID
Verify your customer's identities with an actual photo of their license and selfie.
Real ID uses machine learning and image recognition to validate the authenticity of your customer's Drivers License, Passport or other identitication documents.
Easily verify your customer's ownership of their purchasing credit card by matching against their submitted ID. Learn More.
Ready to get started?
Start defending your online store in minutes with real ID checks.
I have been selling online for over 20 years and Real ID is one of the best tools to help prevent fraud I've used.
Plus it cuts down on customer service cost, provides me with better and more info and I am sure it will help us cut down even more on fraud.
This is an extreme value.
Brothers with Glass
Simple and easy to use. The fact that it doesn't mess with your website's code upon installation is a big deal.
FX Syndrome
Worked perfectly, amazing customer service. Trustworthy. So happy with this!